Terra Nobilis proposes a constant, personalized and limitless assistance at a professional and personal level. Therefore, our secretary service is open 24/7 in order to be ready to answer all your demands and is always available to support you in the realization of your dreams and projects, until their very end.
When it is asked and in order to help you accomplish your projects in the best way possible, we can represent you, yourself or your society, to different administrative, judicial, commercial or financial authorities.
Also, and always when asked, we will happily help you find some trustworthy and professionnal business partners, who will respect your vision of things and will be as devoted to you, as we are (architects, lawyers, notaries, financial advisors etc.). A team of specialists is also available for all your needs and demands in the field of management of your personal staff: administration, salaries. employment contracts, insurances, taxations etc.